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Legacy Furniture




Here at Ricketts Design Company, we purpose to honor Jesus everyday. From the most minuscule cut to the complete product we work as unto the LORD.


Our pieces at Ricketts Design Co. are carefully handcrafted using all-wood joinery methods while minimizing the use of screws. This ensures our pieces to last for generations.


We long to not just make "another table", but to make a piece that will truly mean something for your family, and leave a legacy to be passed down for years to come.


"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord and not for people, knowing that it is from the Lord that you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve."


Ricketts Design Co. started in a garage, in the summer of 2017 as a custom corn-hole game building company, and within two months transitioned into a custom furniture company. As a busy physical education, Bible teacher and baseball coach, I worked after school and on Saturdays to pursue my dream of owning my own company. I also had an internal drive to give my family the means to allow my wife, Paige, to quit her job, so that she could stay home with our kids. In 2019, while working at a small private school, I got a $200 raise at the end of the year. That was the moment I realized that dream would not come to fruition on that salary. At the time, I hadn't proven to myself that I could run a successful business, but I had faith that the Lord would provide for us. And with that, I jumped headlong into full-time woodworking, and began specializing in all-wood legacy furniture. In November 2020, Paige was able to come home permanently to be with our kids. 


The Lord has blessed this company with a deep knowledge of woodworking and furniture craftsmanship. This company was started to leave a legacy for my family-- A legacy that says a father can be involved in his kids lives', that following Jesus in Faith is what's most important. We want to leave a legacy that shows that Jesus is good, and that He loves His kids. Any success, any worth, any thing that this company makes or earns is all glory to Jesus...The one who has given us the strength and ability to build what we do.


-Jake Ricketts-


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